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​​The Quebec Peewee Tournament is well regarded as the earliest display of the most talented peewee hockey players in the world.  Over 600 current and retired NHL players have had their “coming out party” as a participant in this event.

In order to compete in the year 2025 Quebec Peewee World Championship Tournament a player must be born in the year 2012.  All players must be members in good standing with “USA Hockey.” 

“Players that are the major peewee birth year, are required to try-out for the AAHA District Player Development Pee Wee Quebec North or South team based on their landline area code of residence.  This is the first step to be identified and evaluated as an Atlantic District resident hockey player.  After the player goes through the AAHA District Player Development evaluation process and does not make either the North or South team, they are then available to try-out and play for another Pee Wee Quebec Tournament bound team.”

 Players will be selected to the Hershey Jr. Bears Quebec team following “clinics” and “evaluations” that will be scheduled during the late spring and summer.  However, evaluations typically will not yield the final roster.  Final roster decisions are made by the middle of the Fall exhibition game season.  

Players must live within a 100 mile radius to Hersheypark Arena

 ​Players may participate in any other youth ice hockey program of their choice.